Dragon Ball – Evolution

Watched this yesterday with a girl friend.
So summed up, so fast.
With only 1 and a half hour length of show time,
you’ll definitely waste your RM10 if you intend to refresh yourself
of the comic version by watching it.

Just wait the free downloaded version (if you could find it la.. heheh)

*This film also provides two kissing (or should i say smooching?) scenes!
Reaaaaalllyyyy a bad example to the underage! I don’t see why LPF cannot delete it.6

3 thoughts on “Dragon Ball – Evolution

  1. jika kau seorang peminat fanatik dragonball,
    kau akan kecewa,
    jika kau pernah baca komik dragonball,
    kau akan kecewa,
    jika kau tak tahu menahu langsung pasal dragonball,
    kau tetap akan kecewa.

    stephen chow tak malu ke mengaku dia peminat dragonball?

  2. gapodio: i would answer it this way : “Tak berbaloi ditonton di pawagam, get urself hardcopy (original/pirated)/softcopy(downloaded) version, so u could watch it and curse it as much as u like with lesser cost. TQ!

    wuqing: setuju!

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